
“The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline.”

Who we are

We are a locally based charity whilst part of a nationwide network of foodbanks. We provide a limited number of emergency food parcels to people experiencing a short-term food crisis.

What we do

On having your situation assessed by a professional referring agency and on receipt of a referral from the agency, we will provide a minimum of three days' nutritionally balanced, non-perishable tinned and dried foods that we have purchased or that have been donated to us by people in our local community.

What we can't provide

Due to our limited resource and finances we are unable to support people with food over a longer period of time. We will however strive to signpost those with longer-term needs to other more relevant agencies.

Real Stories

“The foodbank was a lifesaver.” Your support is helping us to change lives.

About the Foodbank Network

The Trussell Trust supports communities and churches to open foodbanks across the UK.

About our Foodbank

An introduction to our Foodbank service and the Community Support Project.

How foodbanks work

Providing emergency food to people in crisis.


Read our latest newsletter

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